
Bakin' mix is a Croatian brand of gluten-free mixes for bread, cookies and cakes.

It combines tradition with modern consumer eating habits. In addition to top quality, Bakin' mix products are adorned with simplicity and speed of preparation.

Ispeci pa baki reci

Bake it, then to grandma tell it!


Check all of Bakin' Mix products.

Bakin mix bread&pizza


Is there anything better than the smell of warm, fresh, homemade bread early in the morning?
Bakin mix muffis


What do dolphins say when they see Bakin’ Mix Muffins? “Put them in MA FINNS!”
Gluten free

Safe with Grandma!

We all know what grandmothers are like, they always care too much and leave nothing to chance. So it is with Bakin’s mix. Although fully developed in Croatia, its production takes place in the Italian province of Treviso..

Be safe with Bakin' Mix!
Bread Cookie Cake
  • quick and easy preparation
  • top flavors & top quality ingredients
  • 100%
    safe products
  • certified GLUTEN FREE production

Bake with grandma

Grandma’s blog

Putujte sigurno i bez glutena – uz ovih 5 savjeta!

Godišnji odmori i putovanja idu ruku pod ruku, ali jedan od problema koje će oboljeli od celijakije susresti je – što jesti? Bilo da putujete u stranu državu ili samo istražujete tajne kutove lijepe naše, skriveni gluten može se nalaziti u velikom broju jela u restoranima i proizvodima u supermarketima, a ukoliko dođe do unosa […]

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Join Grandma in the kitchen?

Bakini proizvodi - Bakin' Mix
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